The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Skegness Grammar School

We produce well-rounded individuals, and take pride in their personal achievements. Our students aspire to high academic success, whilst enjoying a variety of extra curricular opportunities.

Parent Information

At Skegness Grammar School we believe that a strong partnership with parents is extremely important.

Regular programme of Parents’ Progress Evenings exists where parents have the opportunity to meet with their child’s subject teachers to discuss progress.

We ask that parents support us in upholding key policies, such as championing high attendance and correct uniform.

We have introduced to our parents My Child at School which is the best way of looking at information on their child, updating contact details, downloading reports and accessing data and information relating to their child's progress and performance.

As part of our Home School Partnership Agreement we expect parents/carers to:

  • Take an interest in the work of their son/daughter and encourage them to always do their best
  • Monitor their son/daughter’s homework and make sure they complete it
  • Make sure their son/daughter attends school on time every day and inform the school as soon as possible if they are absent
  • Make sure their son/daughter has the right equipment for school and send them in the full and correct uniform
  • Encourage the student to have high standards of behaviour at all times and support the school if sanctions become necessary
  • Let the school know if there are any problems likely to affect their son/daughter
  • Attend parents’ evenings and read letters from the school and reply if necessary
  • Support the school if sanctions, for example, detentions become necessary
  • Contact the school Pastoral Department quickly if worried or concerned about any issue
  • Support events that the school is involved in
  • Encourage the student to respect their environment.

By agreeing to these statements in this partnership we, as a school will do everything we can to support your child and make sure their time at Skegness Grammar School is very happy and successful.

SGS & Home Online Communications

Skegness Grammar School use a cloud-based Management Information System (MIS) for communication, analysis, tracking, administration of trips, payments, and reporting.


My Child at School (MCAS) is the name of the platform that parents/carers use at home.

Student Portal is the name of the platform that students sign into.

Bromcom is the name of the platform that staff use at SGS.


All three platforms make up the MIS and ensure that together we support your child thrive at school.


Please follow the link below to take you to our guidance page for help and FAQ's with both MCAS and Student Portal in order to take advantage of its functions.


My Child at School Guide

School Transport

If your child is starting primary school or transferring to secondary school they may be eligible for school transport.  If you think your child is eligible please apply for transport as soon as you have your offer of a school place.  Applications can be made online at the website below or a telephone application can be made by contacting the Customer Service Centre on 01522 782020.

For more information about the home to school transport policy and online applications please go to Queries can be emailed to

Transport at SGS


Parents/carers should be aware that the school is required to take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of all its students.

In cases where the school may have reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill-treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, the Safeguarding Team are obliged to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures and inform Children’s Services and/or The Police of the concern. This is entirely in the interests of adhering to our safeguarding commitment to our students and promoting their wellbeing.

Safeguarding at SGS

Online Safety & Counter Radicalisation

The following link takes you to a website that allows anyone to report any form of online abuse or harassment and provides advice on coping with it

For really easy to use information about understanding Radicalisation and Extremism, how to recognise the risks for our young people and how we can all help to protect and support them, please use this great link:

Key information

Our performance against other schools can be found via the Department for Education’s School Performance Table.

KS4 Performance Data 

Our latest KS4 performance data can be found here. 


KS5 Performance Data

Our latest KS5 performance data can be found here.


Ofsted & Parent View

Our latest Ofsted report can be found here.
 Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school

Learner Records Service

All the exam boards send their results to the Learner Records Service for inclusion in their individual Learner Record. This is the link to the LRS Privacy Notice

Additional Pastoral Support

Vital mental health support. Feel free to view this link:



Parent Guides

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Term Dates