Careers Guidance & Post 16
CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) is designed to prepare students for life in modern Britain and by definition is a means of developing a young person's knowledge, understanding, confidence and skills so that they are able to make well-informed and thought through choices relating to further learning and work, now and in the future.
Skegness Grammar School aims to provide good quality, impartial information, advice and guidance to all students from Year 7 to Year 13. This guidance allows us to support our students and allow them to make informed decisions for their post-16 choices following Year 11, but also their option choices for GCSE subjects in Year 9.
All information published on the CEIAG webpage will be checked at the end of each academic term with the next review of information due to take place in September 2020.
Careers Plan
Teachers Role in the Careers Provision
Wherever the opportunity arises, our teachers will try to discuss in their subject areas about the career opportunities related to their subject specialism. Departments also showcase careers within their subject areas and make links throughout the curriculum to relevant careers.
Staff are also able to offer guidance at parent’s evenings.
Information for Students
Please see the attached programme for an overview of events that are happening in this academic year. Should you have any specific areas of CEIAG you wish to pursue, speak to your Head of Year or Mr Sturman so that we can try and accommodate.
Students also study CEIAG throughout the tutor programme and also through Social Studies lessons.
Information for Parents/Carers
All students have to continue in education or training until the end of the academic year in which they are 18.
This does not mean however that young people must stay in school or remain at Skegness Grammar School.
Students are able to choose from the following:
- full-time education (e.g. at a school or college)
- an apprenticeship or traineeship
- part-time education or training combined with one of the following:
- o employment or self-employment for 20 hours or more a week
- o volunteering for 20 hours or more a week
Skegness Grammar School use external providers LincHigher and the Careers and Enterprise Company to make sure young people most in need of specialist help can access the guidance and support they need to move into education, employment and training.
The majority of students will therefore receive their guidance from sessions and visitors within the academy. All students will have group sessions with LincHigher starting from Year 9.
All students from Year 7 to Year 13 also have exposure to CEIAG during Social Studies lessons, exploring self-awareness, range of careers opportunities available to them, vocational vs academic study paths, further and higher education and apprenticeships.
Information for Employers
At Skegness Grammar School we want to work with employers as research shows that young adults who have greater levels of contact with employers whilst at school are significantly less likely to become NEET (not in education, employment or training) and can expect, when in full-time employment, to earn up to 18% more than peers who had no such workplace encounters.
The research also shows that engagement not only allows employers to add value to schools and the lives of young people, but that young people and schools in turn give huge value to employers. In addition to the hard business case for engaging with schools there is a soft business case. Employers told us that volunteering their time to help young people brings their employees joy, increases brand loyalty and importantly helps young people to consider certain career paths and industries for the first time.
We welcome contact from employers and are happy to discuss any ideas on how we can increase engagement between students and employers. If you would like to get in touch, please contact the Heads of Year or Mr J Sturman, Assistant Principal via the main school office.
How we measure the impact of the provision
As an academy we use Compass – the careers benchmark tool as outlined in the Gatsby benchmarks to assess and improve our current CEIAG provision.
Our progress against the Gatsby benchmarks will be reviewed regularly throughout the academic year to help us meet all of the 8 benchmarks by the end of 2020.
We will monitor the impact of our action plan and the CEIAG we deliver mainly through feedback from students and staff. All activities will be reviewed to ensure all goals and aims are met. As an academy we will also work with parents, employers and stakeholders to ensure that students are able to make informed choices about their future. All information published on the CEIAG webpage will be checked at the end of each academic term with the next review of information due to take place in September 2020.
We also use our destination data to measure the impact of our provision, identifying where our students go and using this to ensure we have appropriate guidance related to these destinations incorporated.
Useful websites to support 1-1 discussions with students - Higher Education Information and University Applications - Easily find the website for any University or College - Supports student careers research and planning - Careers Films on the Info, Advice and Guidence on Learning, Training and Work - Helps Students find Universities and Courses - Careers Advice and Searching - Apply for and Find Apprenticeships - Explore Careers and Jobs - Post GCSE Education and Training Advice - Helps Students find their Career Options
Who to Contact for more Information
Careers Lead: Mr J Sturman
Telephone: 01754 610000
Post 16 Education
To find out more about our Post 16 offer please see our Sixth Form Page.