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Skegness Grammar School

We produce well-rounded individuals, and take pride in their personal achievements. Our students aspire to high academic success, whilst enjoying a variety of extra curricular opportunities.

Attendance & Progress


It is an expectation of Skegness Grammar School that students arrive here punctually every day and properly equipped to carry out their studies each day.

Attendance forms an integral part of our pastoral structure.

There is a strong link between attendance and academic achievements. If a student does not attend they cannot get the best from their time at our school.

We have a number of strategies in place to support students to maintain their highest attendance percentage possible.

90% attendance = 1⁄2 day missed every week. Over a school year, this is 4 weeks or 100 lessons lost. Over 5 years at 90%, this is half a year of education. 17 missed school days means that you could drop a whole GCSE grade in all subjects.

The greater the attendance, the greater the achievement.

It is therefore an expectation of Skegness Grammar School that students arrive punctually every day and are properly equipped to carry out their studies. All students are required to be on site by 8.40am at the latest and ready for line up.

Our Attendance and Welfare Coordinators monitor students’ attendance and are available to discuss attendance issues if these should arise. If any student is absent the Attendance and Welfare Coordinators must be informed on the morning of the absence with the reason for the absence. The phone number for reporting absences is 01754 610000.


If requesting a leave of absence for your child, please click here. 


The SGS Attendance Team 

 SGS Attendance Leaflet



SGS Attendance Video


 SGS Student Leave of Absence Form

Student Leave of Absence Form

 SGS Attendance Policies

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